Sage Error Code 1608

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What is Sage Error Code 1608?

The Sage 50 Error Code 1608 generally occurs at the time of installation of the sage 50 accounting software and has similarities with some other installation error codes like Sage error 1605, etc. The Sage 50 error code 1608 commonly occurs on the Windows operating system (OS) and while installing some other programs like ACT7 SQL Server 2008R2, etc.

The error can occur in a specific workstation running on an OS like Windows 7 while you are installing Sage 50. You could see the message ‘1608: unable to create install driver instance, return code: -2147467262’ on this particular system but when you install Sage 50 on some other system with the same OS, you don’t face any issues whatsoever. This indicates a system issue but you must do your analysis to know the cause.

Causes of Sage Error Code 1608

The Sage error code 1608 occurs mainly due to issues with OS. Therefore, two main causes stand out as the likely cause of this error and it is found these to be the most common instance. You may encounter the error when you are not logged in as an administrator of your OS or there when your Windows registry or Install Shield is not functioning.

Whatever the issue, you need to first try and analyze it to figure out the problem before attempting to troubleshoot it.

Steps for Fix Sage Error Code 1608

In case you find that Sage 50 is not getting installed in one system out of many, you could begin by uninstalling and reinstalling the Install Script engine on the system. To do that, you must go to the Install Shield Installation Location and check if a higher version of Install Shield is available. If yes, it is preferable that you go for the upgrade because that will result in the replacement of IDriver.exe with ISSetup.dll. When this happens, the chances of any further occurrence of Sage error code 1608 become minimal.

Thereafter, proceed towards uninstalling Install Shield from your system; delete the folder containing the Install Shield program files and then create the folder again by running the program setup. Re-run the setup once the installation is complete. Clean up your system of all Temp files and close down any other application that may be running in your system. Next, re-run the Install Shield setup.

In case your OS is Windows 98, you need to install Microsoft DCOM 98 before reinstalling your OS. MS Windows occasionally encounters the Sage error code 1608 and for this, it offers the option to diagnose and resolve the issue by default set up to uninstall and reinstall the program. When you choose that option, it will fix the damaged or infected registry keys on 64 bit OS as well as those that manage the update data.

It will also fix any issues that you may face with installing any new software while ensuring that your existing programs don’t get uninstalled or updated. If you have faced issues with uninstalling a program in your control panel, this Windows troubleshooter will fix that as well.

Sage Error Code 1608

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Sage Accounting is used the world over by businesses of all sizes and across different industries as most of them find it to be not just easy to use but also highly efficient. Sage offers a comprehensive view of data immediately after it is created, in real time. We are always there for our Sage users. If your issues with Sage Error Code 1608 haven’t been resolved after trying the recommended troubleshooting options, please contact our Sage Tech Support team of experts. They are available 24 x 7 to help you.

