How to Fix Sage 50 Crashing After Windows 10 Update

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In your system, Sage 50 crashing after Windows 10 update. This happens when there is a compatibility issue between the Sage 50 software and the Windows 10 operating system. Then when you open the Sage 50 it won’t work properly and also not respond then a crash issue happens.

To fix this, you have to process the solution accordingly and also identify the cause first. There are many other causes that encounter this error in your system.

Causes of Sage 50 Crashes After Windows 10 Update Error Notification

Here are some of the major reasons that could prompt this type of error when you trying to work on your Sage 50 accounting software application immediately after upgrading your operating system to Windows 10:

  • When you are experiencing problems while installing recent Windows 10 update; Introduced on 10-17-2017
  • When you tend to download a damaged installation of Windows upgrade KB4043961
  • When you are trying to install Windows 10 Fall Creators Upgrade

Cautionary Warning: The methods that we will be suggesting in this article will require good understanding about Windows OS. Make sure you connect with Sage experts for assistance at our Sage 50 technical support help desk number. Besides, you should always take a backup of your Sage 50 files before you decide to proceed with advanced procedures.

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Troubleshoot The Sage 50 Crashing After Windows 10 Update Error

Note: In case, you able to view the task windows without crashing, but the program is crashing time and again when you are making an attempt to save a transaction, then you need to deactivate the touch keyboard service.

Total Time: 30 minutes

How Can One Deactivate The Touch Keyboard Service

Note: The following information can definitely help you fix the issue, but you feel less confident about performing them we would recommend you to seek the help of Accounting Problem Sage tech support team now.

Deactivate the Touch Keyboard Service

πŸ’  Firstly, you need to go to the Windows Start tab and in the Search tab write services.msc and click OK.
πŸ’  When the Services list window opens, you need to click twice on the Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service option.
πŸ’  Make the desired changes in the Startup category to Deactivated and press on the Apply button to save the changes you made.
πŸ’  Press on the Stop tab and press OK.
πŸ’  Exit from the Services window in the end.

Installation of 2018.2 Upgrade Versions of Sage 50

For the installation of the 2018.2 upgrade version of Sage 50 accounting software, you need to follow the given steps:

πŸ’  Look for the Services option, and then click on the Check for Upgrades
πŸ’  Download and Install the 2018.2 version of Sage 50 accounting software
πŸ’  For Automatic installation of the software, you need to follow the given steps:

πŸ”· Most of the times, when an upgrade is ready for installation, a notification will remind you about the same.
πŸ”· You need to choose Yes when you are prompted by the installation notification
πŸ”· After that, just perform the on-screen guidelines to install the upgrade and you are good to go.
πŸ”· In case, you don’t get the installation notification, then you can manually upgrade your Sage version.

πŸ’  Manually Install Service Versions and Tax Upgrades
πŸ”Ά Exit from all the files you have opened in Sage accounts
πŸ”Ά Look for Upgrades folder placed in your data path.
πŸ”Ά Do the right click on the newest Service version or Tax upgrade, and then click on the Run as administrator option
πŸ”Ά Perform the on-screen guidelines to install the upgrade.
πŸ”Ά After installation completes, run Sage
πŸ”Ά Go to Help, and choose About Sage 50 Accounting to confirm the upgrade installed or not

πŸ’  Tax form upgrades:
πŸ”· You need to proceed with the link in Additional Information available for the forms upgrade
πŸ”· Choose Download
πŸ”· Click on the Save Peach.exe option
πŸ”· If Sage is installed in a different system, then keep a copy of Peach.exe on a CD or USB and use the same on system in which Sage is installed
πŸ”· Click twice on Peach.exe to begin the installation
πŸ”· Perform the on-screen guidelines to install the upgrade
πŸ”· After installation completes, you can use your tax forms

πŸ’  If the problem still transpires, eliminate compatibility configuration for Windows 8
πŸ’  Confirm whether the program is still working normally or crashing

Read Also: Sage 50 Accounting Has Stopped Working On Windows 10

If The Problem Still Transpires, Eliminate Compatibility Configuration For Windows 8

πŸ’  Go to the Sage 50 icon and then right-click on it
πŸ’  From further options, select Properties
πŸ’  In Properties window, go to the tab name Compatibility
πŸ’  In this, you have to tick mark the compatibility box section and choose your windows 8
πŸ’  Then click on the OK button and then close the window of Properties.

Final Words :

In conclusion, your issue of Sage 50 crashing after the Windows 10 update can easily be resolved when you implement the methods mentioned above. In case of any issues or queries, you can reach the Sage customer helpdesk and get all your glitches resolved. The helpdesk team is here 365 days a year and all the members are professional and trained. So, they can easily handle all the situations and problems that you are facing in your Sage 50 account.

