8 Benefits of QuickBooks POS Hosting

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This article explores how companies like QuickBooks point of sale hosting are using new technologies to help them in their businesses. The QuickBooks Point of Sale application and other necessary applications are delivered via the Internet using QuickBooks POS hosting, which is a way for delivering high performance and secure computing resources. You can also keep your data on the same remote server to ensure smooth data transmission inside the same platform. By enabling remote access to the same platform and enabling real-time data synchronization across numerous outlets and branches, it provides creative solutions for the simple management of retail outlets and chain stores situated in various places.

Why QuickBooks POS Hosted in Cloud?

➤ Due to the cloud hosting of the QuickBooks software, numerous sales stores can be connected over the internet.

➤ Updates are also automatic and applied concurrently to all systems across all stores. All inventory, sales, purchase, and related information is kept as accurate as is practical.

➤ Payment processing is made quicker and more securely thanks to QuickBooks POS hosting. For instance, end-to-end encryption, a sophisticated security technique, is used to protect every credit card transaction.

➤ In order to avoid any problems with data loss and theft, cloud hosting indicates that automatic backups will be carried out to retain a duplicate of your data. This is an essential component of hosting that benefits all companies, not just retail ones.

➤ Devices like desktops, cellphones, laptops, tablets, etc. are all extremely compatible with cloud hosting. You may access your data anytime, anywhere, from compatible devices as long as you have a reliable data connection.

➤ If you pick POS hosted over cloud computing, you will keep your multi-store clientele. Your ability to assist consumers will be greatly improved and your jobs will be easier and more effective to do. There are several of these advantages, each of which is more advantageous than the previous, and they will undoubtedly increase performance and sales.

Before hosting your QuickBooks POS, there are numerous tasks that must be completed, and they are listed below:
➤ Do 2-factor authentication and ensure that it satisfies the requirements.
➤ A high-quality, round-the-clock network monitoring solution is crucial.
➤ Before beginning the hosting procedure, you must establish a backup of your data and be sure to store copies of it in various places.
➤ Data encryption is not a necessary step before moving further.
➤ Use a reliable antivirus program to scan for malware and viruses.

What Are the Benefits of Hosted QuickBooks POS Solutions for Retail Growth?

Hosting By relieving you of the responsibility of establishing and managing IT infrastructure and the associated costs, QuickBooks POS software enables you to concentrate on your organisational goals. While maintaining a healthy operating budget, work on growing your retail firm.

A trustworthy cloud hosting provider can help you quickly streamline the work process whether you open a new store or add a new register by setting you up with new accounts for your POS software. Additionally, cloud hosting companies’ scalable, cost-effective QuickBooks POS hosting options allow you the freedom to add or remove cloud resources in response to changing demands.

More Collaboration with QuickBooks POS Hosting

Additionally, QuickBooks POS hosting allows business owners to accept credit card payments from mobile devices including smartphones, iPads, iPhones, Droids, and Blackberries. Now that it is natively mobile, retailers and store owners may run their companies from any location.

Moving POS to QuickBooks cloud hosting not only frees up businesses from IT, but it also gives them 24/7 access to their crucial sales data from anywhere, at any time, and it connects with QuickBooks without a hitch, even when several locations are linked. Users can carry out numerous tasks, including credit card processing, syncing, updating the books, and more, using QuickBooks POS hosting, which connects with QuickBooks. The retail POS version reduces errors and saves endless hours.

8 Benefits of QuickBooks POS Hosting

The following are some advantages of hosting for QuickBooks Point of Sale:

Automatic Backup

By automatically backing up your data on a regular basis, cloud service providers make sure that your data is secure in the event of a hard disc failure, server failure, or intensely file deletion.

Reduced IT Management Burden

By hosting QuickBooks POS software on the cloud, businesses can concentrate on running their operations rather than the technology that supports them. Companies do not have to make significant investments in hard storage devices when hosting on the cloud. Hosting not only offers a great level of independence but also huge cost advantages for the business.

Enhanced Security

The most up-to-date equipment is included with QuickBooks Point-of-Sale hosting to ensure total protection from malicious malware and any type of natural disaster, including fire and flood. To keep your data safe and secure, cloud hosting companies offer the greatest security standards, including 256-bit encryption, ongoing network monitoring, and fully-clustered multi-tier structures.

Easy Access

With hosted QuickBooks POS software, business owners can accept card payments via smartphones or tablets, enabling retailers or shopkeepers to trade anywhere-from a delivery at a construction site to the middle of a restaurant. This makes it possible for storeowners or retailers to continue operating when they are away. All they require is an internet connection and a device that is compatible. Additionally, cloud hosting enables the usage of outsourcing companies and home offices and provides options for mobile workers or staff in remote places.

Reduced Cost

Using QuickBooks Point-of- Hosting sales can significantly lower your company’s costs while while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Without making a large upfront investment in infrastructure or technology, hosting enables businesses to implement the newest and most complicated technologies. Additionally, since cloud service providers have system management in place, your continuing system maintenance costs are decreased.

24*7 Customer Support

All hosting companies provide their clients with round-the-clock customer support to assist in maintaining the functionality of their QuickBooks Point-of-Sale. And there is no extra charge for this. Your business’s success is boosted by your POS hosting provider’s level of customer service and how promptly you receive responses.

See Also:

Error Initializing QBPOS Application Log

Multi-Store QuickBooks POS Hosting

QuickBooks POS Hosting also enables you to share a single central database among numerous sites. This enables retailers to accept several orders at any moment without difficulty, hence boosting customer satisfaction.

Because of the advantages it offers, we may infer that QuickBooks POS hosting has a lot of advantages. Numerous cloud service providers provide Point-of-Sale subscription-based plans that come with crucial services including free customer support, specialised cloud solutions, and software rentals.

Improved Collaboration with Outside Parties

Hosting QuickBooks Point-of-Sale enables improved communication with the hired freelancer, bookkeeper, or accountant. In order to collaborate more quickly and effectively, you can sync up and work on the QuickBooks POS data at the same time. This enables you to make decisions for your company more quickly and more effectively.

For Free Consultation with QuickBooks Experts: Just Call or Chat with US


Hopefully, this article covered all the important details about QuickBooks POS Hosting. You can easily get in touch with the team of specialists to receive better assistance with less delay if you want to learn more about QuickBooks Point of Sale and the best resolution for QuickBooks POS issues or any other technical glitches. The team will dedicatedly work to address all your questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Word and Excel Compatible with QuickBooks POS Hosting? 

Yes, you can utilize QuickBooks’ hosting with Word and Excel. Simply download and install Microsoft Word and Excel on your computer. You can export your QuickBooks reports, statements, or invoices to Excel or Word based on your needs once it has been installed or if you already have Microsoft Word or Excel.

Visit Details: How to Move QuickBooks POS to a New Computer

Additionally, you can also use the online versions of Microsoft Word or Excel. You may immediately rent Microsoft Word or Excel from Right Network and begin accessing them from anywhere at any time by paying a few extra expenses.

What Distinguishes QuickBooks POS Hosting From Desktop and Online Versions of Software?

The jotted below are the main differences between QuickBooks POS Hosting and Desktop & Online version of QuickBooks:

❖ QuickBooks POS Hosting
➤ QuickBooks POS Hosting is housed in the cloud and is easily accessible via the internet.
➤ 40 users can typically access this hosting version at any given time.
➤ Hosting providers take care of maintenance in this version.

❖ QuickBooks POS Desktop & Online
➤ Installed on your desktop, QuickBooks POS Desktop & Online can be accessed locally.
➤ Only 10 users may access POS Desktop and Online at any same time.
➤ Users of QuickBooks POS Desktop & Online are responsible for maintenance.

Does QuickBooks POS Cloud-Hosting Service Require a Personal Network to Use?

No, You only need a reliable internet connection to use QuickBooks POS Hosting on the cloud; you don’t require your own network.

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