How to Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks

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QuickBooks is a software in which, you don’t need to enter all the data manually. It will not only save your time but also will reduce the chances of error while importing data into QuickBooks. CSV stands for comma separated values. These are the simple text files of Excel spreadsheets that contain important tabular data which is separated by commas. CSV files plays a significant role in maintaining valuable data for your business. It may contain bank transactions, journal entries, batch transactions and many more. Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks is a simplified process, however you need to follow the appropriate steps.

Essential Steps to Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks

Following are the 3 Steps to Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks:

Total Time: 20 minutes

Downloading of QuickBooks Import Excel and CSV Toolkit

In order to Import a CSV format, the first thing which you need to do is to install QuickBooks Import Excel along with CSV toolkit. It carries a few things which you would be requiring for Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks Desktop.

Now, you can have a look here on what you will get in a QuickBooks Import Excel as well as CSV toolkit:
Excel and CSV Manual – Import from Excel and CSV Manual is a kind of PDF document that contains different type of notes, pointers and instructions of the best practices.
CSV Examples Folder – You  can find here 4 sample CSV files. In CSV Examples folder, each file would be related to the type of list.
XLS Example Folder – In this folder, you will be able to get a sample Excel file. 4 worksheets will be included in this Excel file that would be allied to each type of list.
Allowed Fields – It is a kind of reference guide through which you will be able to understand the availability of different type of fields for CSV import and Excel.

Installing of QuickBooks Import Excel and CSV Toolkit

Below are the important steps which you have to follow in order to install the QuickBooks Import Excel as well  as CSV toolkit:
☛ Foremost, you have to open file download window for getting the toolkit.
☛ After finding the toolkit, you have to click on Save option.
☛ Now, you need to proceed towards Windows Desktop and click on Save option.
☛ After that, you need to open WinZip self-Extractor window for which, you have to click twice on Quickbooks-Import-Excel-and-CSV.exe.
☛ Then, you need to hit on Browse and detect the folder, where you have to install the toolkit.
☛ After locating the folder for toolkit, you have to click on OK button.
☛ Now, you have to click on Unzip option in order to extract the contents.
☛ After choosing Unzip, you need to Close WinZip self-Extractor window.
☛ Now, you have to select the Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks Folder which you have selected for installing the toolkit.

Import Comma Separated Values (CSV)

Following are the ways for importing CSV files:
☛ Firstly, you have to Choose the Banking Option.
☛ Now, You need to pick Upload Transactions Manually option from the drop-down menu of Banking tab.
☛ After that, you need to Upload the file by Clicking on File Upload option. Now, you have to Browse and Go to the location, which you have selected for saving CSV on your Desktop and
Choose Next option.
☛ Now, You have to Tick on Next option after selecting the Account to Import in your QuickBooks Account.
☛ Then, you need to press Next Option after Mapping the fields, if essential, in order to match the data with the imported figures.
☛ After doing above-mentioned steps, you need to Press Next option post selecting the CSV files to Import.
☛ Now, you will get the Notification on which you have to Click on Yes Option.
☛ By getting this notification, you will come to know that how many records are pulled in by you.
☛ After receiving the confirmation of the important, you will have to Choose Finish Option.
☛ In the Downloaded Transactions Window, now you will be able to view a list of transactions downloaded from CSV files.

See Also: How to Export and Import Account Data in CSV Format


After executing this process, you would be able to perform various tasks smoothly that includes importing Banking transactions, chart of accounts, transactions of credit card, lists of items, vendors and many more. In addition to this, your bank account as well as credit card account can be connected to QuickBooks in order to import transactions automatically. On the other hand, you can also download transactions of CSV files from your Bank Account manually. Then, you can Import CSV Excel File to QuickBooks in your Accounting Software. In this way, you will be able to get a more accurate picture related to your business transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Download Expenses From CSV Files?

Below are some points which you need to follow in order to import expenses from  a CSV format:
☛ Firstly, you need to Navigate to Transactions tab.
☛ Under Transactions button, you need to Click on Banking option.
☛ Then in the drop-down link of Account, you need to choose Upload from file option.
☛ Now, you have to Drag and pick the files button.
☛ After clicking on Files button, you would be able to select and open the CSV file.
☛ Then, you need to open drop-down menu of QuickBooks Account. Here, you have to pick the account in which you wish to upload the transactions.
☛ Now, you can match the data on the file along with right fields in QuickBooks by following some onscreen steps.
☛ Finally, you need to Click on Yes option under Transactions and Select Let’s go.

How Can I Import Excel Data to QuickBooks Desktop?

You can easily import Excel transactions into QuickBooks Workstation by following the below given steps:
☛ Firstly, you need to go to Lists menu.
☛ In Lists Menu, you have to Select Chart of Accounts.
☛ In the Account drop-down, you need to Click on Import from Excel option.
☛ Now, you have to Hit Browse tab for importing the Excel File as per your requirement.

You have to go through the wizard while importing files.
☛ Firstly, You have to Select the Type of Data.
☛ After that, you would be able to get access of an Excel spreadsheet which would be open by QuickBooks in a structured format.
☛ At last, you need to Hit on Close option, once you have done with the given Wizard.

Why I Am Unable to Import CSV File in QuickBooks?

If the CSV file is not downloading into QuickBooks then you do not need to worry about it because it can be imported successfully after checking a few formatting restrictions. You would be able to download your files, once, it would be formatted in a correct manner.

Now, to avoid CSV file importing issue, you need to keep in mind below Dos and Don’ts :
☛ You must avoid to use special characters.
☛ Zeros can not be used anywhere in the file.
☛ If you will see any amount in the Description column then you need to correct those transactions.
☛ If any word amount displayed in the name of Credit or Debit column, you need to remove it.
☛ If you are a MAC user, you have to save the document as a Windows CSV file.
☛ You  have to rectify the Date format into standardized form like dd/mm/yyyy.
☛ Some banks set day of the week in the Date column like 20/12/2021 WED in column A. This type of format is not acceptable at all. In such scenario, you need to correct the Date format by splitting the Date and Day of the week into two different columns.

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